
Lora-Pool-Water Node – running industrial sensor – and some other stuff from Sunday

This morning there was local elections — and in the afternoon there was openminded handicraft-meeting. We met again in Hennef downtown today and continued to work on the current projects. The new level sensor in industrial quality (explosion-proof, stainless steel encapsulation, 4-20 mA measured value with pressure compensation capillary and data transmission via Lora radio technology) has been tested in the pool and delivers exact measured values that are also displayed in the TTN decoder – the housing for an indoor CO2 sensor is ready (even now with a magnetically held service opening), another gateway was completely soldered and a new, thermostable housing was printed for our trackers. Before we went to dinner in a relaxed atmosphere, some antennas were opened checked their stated performance – here, too, it was impressively shown how much absolutely unsuitable Chinese scrap is sent out via well-known online shops.

We are proud to say that at least two smart-city projejcts are ready for delivery, another tracker (this time Helltec board based) is measuring TTN availibilty and lots of ideas are getting reality. Another gateway was also put into operation by „Freifunk-Rhein-Sieg e.V“, it is now running in the middle of Lohmar and supports the availability of TTN. Also the FFRS-GW-labor-maker is out in the wild for testing and developing — its free of charge usable for all supporters and people who are working on private and community based projects with Freifunk-Rhein-Sieg.

In Hennef, too, there are two more new gateways that can hear local sensors for civil defense and thus ensure the reliability and redundancy of the network. We love to share all our energy out for the community – to realize projects, and making ideas come true. Stay tuned – some more surprises will be announced in the next time !

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